As the Coronavirus (COVID-2019) pandemic is spreading at an exponential rate, tens of thousands of people have been impacted daily by losing work, have a lack of medical care and food supply. This impact is hitting our most vulnerable populations, the elderly, those who are currently sick and children throughout the globe.
For many of us, the effect might be minimal, but for others, it will put them in a very vulnerable position. We want to make an impact, for our local community as well as those around the world and are donating to these non-profit organizations listed below. We hope you can do the same.
Utah Food Bank
Utah Food Bank distributes food free-of-charge to a network of 182 partner agencies located throughout all 29 counties of our state of Utah. They are also part of a larger organization, Feeding America. Donate to Utah Food Bank here.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels delivers food to seniors who are in need of assistance. Not only do they deliver food to those who are living in isolation, they make sure to include social interaction. There has been a rising demand in meal delivery during this outbreak and they need the extra support. You can find local providers here and can donate to Meals on Wheels here.
Right now UNICEF is sending supplies and support to fight the coronavirus around the world. As infection rates grow, the demand for workers and supplies increases. You can help support UNICEF as they are working to save and protect vulnerable children throughout the world. You can donate to UNICEF here.
Save the Children
This international organization is helping to protect vulnerable children and families by training health teams across the world on protection and prevention. The organization is supplying personal protective equipment and other supplies to help health staffers on the front lines of fighting the outbreaks. You can donate to Save the Children here.
In addition to the non-profits listed, there are some great ways to support local business who are taking a hit.
Carry-Out and Delivery from Restaurants and Bars
Most states are suggesting restaurants to close dine-in to help prevent community spread, but they are still open for carry-out or delivery. If this is something you can do, you should to help support the local restaurants you know and love. Order take out or through DoorDash, who is waiving commission for restaurants.
Buy Gift Cards and Continue to Pay Subscriptions
Another way to support local business is by buying gift cards to be used in the future and keep your subscriptions going for your gyms or other subscriptions. This will be huge for these businesses going forward.
Lastly, we need to stay positive, stay at home (unless it is necessary to leave), wash our hands, and eventually we will be on the other side of this. Let’s do what we can now to help prevent COVID-19 from spreading to those around us as well as getting support to the people who need it.
We got this.